Sunday, April 6, 2014


As much as I would like to say I will stay 'faithful' and 'loyal' to the ways of a daily blogger, this is most likely not going to be the case. Blogging has always intrigued me, from when I was 12 and had a blog that i did in fact continue for 2 years, but then as my work load increased and my life became a little more hectic the blogging decreased to the point to which it was non existent.

I suppose some of you, or maybe even just one, are curious as to why I am trying to begin this process again. I am currently a 16 year old student in the International baccalaureate diploma studying abroad in the country of Brunei Darussalam. The exponential amount of thoughts and ideas that I would want to share with a world have lately been a little hard to contain, hence my decision to start a blog. A true nerd at heart, my thoughts can sometimes be a little radical and sometimes a bit farfetched but thats what excites me. Aspirations that are constantly changing and at the moment are focused within the field of forensic neuroscience, can be pretty perplexing but once again something that makes me, well me.

I also like the idea of a life blog, sharing your life through words is something that is pretty valuable, excluding the likes of social media, a blog is more an art than a way to 'update' your peers on what you are eating are what you 'should be doing'.

Through this blog I hope to design a platform where I can share photos, ideas, messages, aspirations, videos, quotes, experiences etc that inspire or are important to me without judgement or social circles of people I already know first hand, but sharing and reaching to people on an international foreground. I am not a very 'deep' person, as i have been made aware through theory of knowledge classes and my boyfriend claiming 'I need more soul', So i cannot predict that this blogging journey will always be particularly philosophical but i can always promise "genuine-ity"(Its sad there isn't a verb for the act of being genuine...), i suppose for now the best synonym would be honesty.
Honesty In what i like, how i feel and what interests me.

Today was definitely a rather 'academia' focused day: shifting through a pile of psychology assessment write ups and trying to locate a biology research paper, whilst emailing the school about fundraising on wednesday and discussing my extended essay with my supervisor. My extended essay is on the topic of 'biological mitigating factors' and to what extent they can be used as excuses in court. I am filtering through research and content to use in it at the moment, I came across a TED talk today that was particularly interesting, something I will share. 'The neuroscience of Restorative Justice'. Whenever I end up on the TED site I do get a little carried away with all the fascinating concepts on there, so I won't share it but i will provide a link: I watched on microchips acting as 'cell environments' and possible uses for drug testing etc. Really very interesting :)

That will be all I will write for today,
I hope that I am able to continue sharing through this source
Goodbye for Now,


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